Career Planning and Networking

The workplace in the 21st century is more competitive than ever before. The idea of one job for life is no longer an operable plan. Career Planning and Networking is designed to provide an overview of the steps involved in the career planning process, It further...

When Smart People Work for Dumb Bosses

Suffering under an intimidating supervisor? Mistreated by thoughtless management? Demeaned by a dictator? Bullied by a lazy boss? Used and abused by heartless company policy? You’re not alone. The fact is that such nightmare situations are a way of life for many...


The days of mass produced human beings are over. In the new economy you’re on your own. You have more opportunities than ever, and you can choose what you want to do, how you want to do it and who you want to do it with. But you also have to be more creative,...

Building Your Career Portfolio

How well are you building and investing your career assets? What kind of “return” are you enjoying for all your hard work? Will your career wealth enable you to fulfil your dreams and meet your goals? If most of us tried to “analyze” our...