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Yapster e-Learning Courses

Communication Curriculum

Series - Interpersonal Communication Skills

This series will build your skills in communication - from meeting new people and networking, to increasing personal power and influence through vocabulary, to improving team communication. Experts today consider communication to be the backbone of any effective team or organization. Effective communication is essential to building collaboration and minimizing conflict in today's team-oriented workplace. It will help ensure that you and your group are "on the same wavelength" and shooting for the same goals.

Target Audience
Any business professional.

Content Rating

Courses - 1-yr Rental
Communicating to Develop Relationships
Communicate to Increase Understanding
Listening, Influencing and Handling Tough Situations
Communicate Better with Your Team

Series - Mastering Interpersonal Communication

Today's business climate is changing at a frantic pace. New information, procedures, and processes put tremendous pressure on your ability to communicate. Powerful communication skills are a necessity for people at all levels of today's organizations. This series presents the information you'll need to help your company create an atmosphere that capitalizes on the dynamics of interpersonal communications. Discover how basic communication tools and the ability to manage conflict contribute to effective leadership. You'll also gain insight into business savvy and the importance of developing staff with strong interpersonal skills.

Target Audience
Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders and experienced business professionals

Content Rating

Courses - 1-yr Rental
Dynamics of Interpersonal Communication
Communication Tools
The Many Faces of Communication
The Interpersonal Side of Conflict
Interpersonal Business Savvy
Developing Interpersonal Skills in Your People

Series - Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Massive change, constant technical innovations, and global competition have created a new business climate. As business changes, so do the traits, qualities, and characteristics needed to excel. In this new high-paced environment, human realities matters more than ever. Competencies such as managing one's emotions, handling encounters well, adapting to change, working as a team, and developing leadership skills are more crucial than ever. Studies of what employers want focus on communications skills, interpersonal skills, personal management, group effectiveness, and initiative. The Series "Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace" will help you gain an understanding of why emotional intelligence counts more than IQ. You'll identify the specific job capabilities that can make you a star performer in any company, and you learn how to develop the key relationship skills that will help you navigate the currents of an organization. Finally, you'll be able to evaluate your own abilities in the area of emotional intelligence, and you'll be given guidelines for developing your emotional intelligence at work.

Target Audience
Supervisors, Managers and Team Leaders

Content Rating

Courses - 1-yr Rental
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence at Work
Teamwork and Emotional Intelligence
Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence
The Emotionally Intelligent Leader

Series - Effective Listening Skills

Have you ever had a conversation or listened to a presentation, only to later discover that you couldn't remember the key points of the discussion? Do you find your mind wandering when someone else is speaking? If you have problems retaining information that is verbally communicated, this is the series for you. You will be taught the theory behind effective listening and will then be presented with methods to overcome common listening problems.

Target Audience
This series targets people at all levels of an organization. It is particularly useful to those who need strong listening skills to be effective in the workplace.

Content Rating

Courses - 1-yr Rental
The Basics of Listening
Virtual Team Communication
Different Ways to Listen
Listening for Higher Purposes
Enhancing Your Personal Listening Skills

Series - Business Grammar Essentials

Unsure where to put that comma? Wondering how to determine when to use "affect" and when to use "effect"? Thinking the things you learned in school are no longer valid? Worried that you can't remember the grammar rules you learned in school? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, this series of courses is for you. In this series you'll learn how to proofread and edit more effectively so you can spot those errors before they get on someone else's desk. Then, you'll go back to the basics, relearning parts of speech and how they function. Next, you'll work on sentence structure and learn how to write sentences that really get your meaning across in as few words as possible. Finally, you'll get updated on the most current rules for capitalization, spelling, usage, andpunctuation.

Target Audience
Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders and experienced business professionals

Courses - 1-yr Rental
Foundations of Grammar
Sentence Construction
Understanding Writing Mechanics
Punctuating with Skill

Series - Writing to Maximize Business Results

The frenetic pace of today's business environment demands that your communications be both quick and to the point. Gone are the days of long-winded documents that don't get to the point until the last paragraph. But how do you clearly say what you need to say in the fewest words possible? How do you relay your message so that your reader will remember it? The series will give you some of the fundamentals you need to know about the changing face of business communications. You'll explore how to produce clear and concise memos, letters, reports, and proposals that are action-oriented. Finally, you'll discover how to write highly effective E-mail messages

Target Audience
Managers at all levels, Administrative Staff, anyone writing business documents

Courses - 1-yr Rental
Exploring the New Basics of Business Writing
Writing High-impact Reports and Proposals
Producing Letters That Drive Your Business
Using Good Letters to Deliver Bad News
Writing: The Art of In-house Memos
Writing Effective E-mail Messages

Series - E-mail Essentials

Electronic mail, or "email," has dramatically altered business and personal communication over the past decade. It has virtually replaced traditional letter and memo writing, and may even be rivaling the telephone in popularity. Considering the number of emails you send and receive every day, wouldn't you be wise to develop skills that will help you to use email more effectively? This series of courses contains many useful suggestions and guidelines for making email work for you. You will discover ways to organize yourself so that you can effectively manage messages, ways to write effective messages, and ways to use email to develop business opportunities. You will also find out how email can be used to improve organizational communication and to strengthen corporate culture.

Target Audience
This course is specifically targeted at individuals who use e-mail for their personal correspondence or while doing their jobs; managers and business leaders who want to maximize business opportunities and strengthen their organization as a whole.

Content Rating

NASBA CPE credits:
PDU Credits:

Courses - 1-yr Rental
Essentials for Electronic Communication
Optimizing Email at Work
Organizational Communication and the Intranet
E-mail as a Marketing Tool

Series - Powerful Presentation Skills

According to The Book of Lists, American's greatest fear is public speaking - far outranking the fear of death. For some people, (50-to-70% of all women and 35-to-50% of all men), speaking before a large group is like having an out-of-body experience. Yet, despite this presentation phobia, people are finding that presentation anxiety can hinder their professional lives.

Being able to give effective presentations, both formal and informal, establishes credibility with those listening and provides increased visibility within one's organization. Whether participants have been asked to represent their organization in a meeting with outside vendors, field questions at a staff meeting, train subordinates or give a lecture to a large group of people, presentation skills will have a significant impact on their career. This series of courses will help you reduce anxiety and prepare and give dynamic, informative presentations that will help move your audience to action.

Target Audience
Business professional with limited experience in creating and delivering presentations to groups.

Content Rating

NASBA CPE credits: 4
PMI/PDU Credits: 16

Courses - 1-yr Rental
Planning Your Presentation
Delivering Your Presentation
Presenting with Confidence and Impact

Series - Meeting the Presentation Challenge

So you've been asked to give a demonstration to company executives regarding your newly streamlined production process. Maybe a client has asked you to give a speech on success stories between your two companies to convince shareholders of a merger. Perhaps you've won an award and are expected to say a few words during the acceptance ceremony. What do you do to meet the challenge? Whatever the speaking occasion may be, you'll need to have certain skills in place to plan, create, and carry out your presentation efforts. In this series, "Meeting the Presentation Challenge," you'll find a set of courses that will aid in your presentation efforts. You'll learn about the important elements of the presentation such as preparation, the speech, body language, visual aids, maintaining order and confidence, as well as how to use presentation as a managerial tool in a business setting. One of the greatest fears business professionals have is getting up in front of a group of people and talking to them about a certain topic. Whether you're one of these people or not, "Meeting the Presentation Challenge" will help you systematically develop your presentation skills that will help you succeed in not only in your personal development, but also in your professional growth.

Target Audience
Experienced Business professionals and Managers

Content Rating

Courses - 1-yr Rental
The Foundations of Presentations
Basic Presentation Structure
Using Presentation Equipment Effectively
Effective Presentation Delivery
Advanced Presentation Skills
Presentation as a Management Tool

Series - Effective Business Meetings

Are the meetings you attend generally boring and unproductive? As a facilitator or chairperson, have you wished that you could find a way to make your meetings more interesting and effective? As a participant in business meetings, have you caught yourself wondering, "What can I do to make meetings worth my while?" There are ways to ensure that meetings are not a waste of time and energy for those involved. This series of courses contains many useful strategies for leaders of, and participants in, business meetings. You will learn about different types of business meetings, and how to prepare for them. The series contains tips on how to develop an effective agenda - and then how to stick to it. It contains suggestions for how to optimize the creativity and positive energy within your group when problem-solving or generating new ideas. The series also contains a course that is tailored to participants, and teaches you how to do your part in contributing to the success of future business meetings.

Target Audience
Business professionals who want to develop effective facilitation skills, members of boards or committees, meeting participants, executive assistants, and individuals who want to prepare themselves for a business environment.

Content Rating

Courses - 1-yr Rental
Planning Effective Business Meetings
Leading an Effective Meeting
Meeting Participants

Series - Professional Telephone Skills

All of us have been using the telephone for years. But have we ever stopped an evaluated the image we project? Do we sound professional or ordinary? Do we stay in control of conversations or do we lose control? Do we handle every call efficiently and courteously? Why is this important? Because in making or answering a telephone call, you are representing yourself and everyone in your organization - managers, coworkers and subordinates - to your customers. Your callers form an impression of you and your organization from your telephone manner. Based on this impression, they decide whether to do business with you or take their business elsewhere. You've heard this before, and it's doubly true on the telephone: you never get a 2nd chance to make a first impression. That's even more reason to make each call a quality call.

Target Audience
All front-line managers, supervisors, salespeople, and front-line administrative staff. Anyone who uses the phone professionally.

Courses - 1-yr Rental
Handle Calls with Confidence and Professionalism
Turn Difficult Callers into Delighted Customers
Managing Telephone Technology

Series - Negotiating to Win: Getting the Result You Want

Zig Ziglar could have been talking about negotiation when he said, "Getting everything you want by helping others get what they want." You don't need to be a professional negotiator to benefit from developing your negotiation skills. Much of your success in the workplace and at home is dependent on your ability to effectively communicate with employees, clients, customers, and family members. Can you think of ways in which you could benefit from improving your negotiating skills? Perhaps persuading your boss to give you a raise, or influencing your child to take up a musical instrument? Fortunately, there are abundant opportunities available to practice negotiating on a daily basis. Each experience builds success towards the next experience. Instead of being a pushover, it is possible to develop the confidence and skills that make negotiation feel second nature to you. This series offers you a practical, hands-on perspective for using negotiation as a tool to get what you want while simultaneously improving your relationships with other people. Negotiation can be a powerful channel to bring about out the best in yourself as well as positively influence the significant others in your life. So go ahead, negotiate yourself a masterpiece!

Target Audience
Managers, Supervisors, Team members and other experienced Business professionals

Content Rating

Courses - 1-yr Rental
Crafting a Deal
Connect and Communicate
The Negotiating Process
The Dynamics of Interaction
Inclusive Negotiating
When the Going Gets Tough
The Master Negotiator

Series - Getting Results Without Authority

Owner, president, CEO. What do these three titles have in common? One thing is a great deal of authority. Can you claim any of these titles as your own? If you are like most people, the answer is probably no. The class of worker that answers to no one, or to almost no one, is as rare a breed as the snow leopard. Where does that leave you when it comes to getting the results you desire? With much more power than you can imagine. Having influence, and getting results, does not require direct authority or even an act of grace. What it does require is an understanding of influence, how to develop it, and how to use it in a range of business scenarios. The more you know, the greater your results will be. In the six-course series "Getting Results without Authority," you will learn everything you need to know about getting what you want in the corporate world without having power. "Building Relationships to Get Results" teaches the learner the finer points of developing good peer relationships, from making a good impression to creating reciprocity. "Teamwork and Results without Authority" teaches learners how to work effectively within a team, how to give and receive feedback, how to make a great impression during meetings, and how to manage conflicts over responsibilities. "Leadership without Authority" offers practical lessons in image enhancement, dealing with people, persuading peers, and applying key leadership strategies. "Gaining Allies, Creating Change" outlines techniques for winning allies, partnering successfully, and creating the change you seek. "Communication Tools for Getting Results" teaches learners the best ways to get results through writing, presentations, and the telephone. "Getting Results from the Boss" provides thorough training in the fine art of dealing effectively with superiors. Moving from a subordinate to a peer relationship, improving the job as well as the boss' style, and dealing effectively with difficult superiors is taught. By the end of this series, learners will have discovered thebest ways to get particular results in most any business scenario.

Target Audience
Managers, Supervisors, Team members and other experienced Business professionals

Content Rating

Courses - 1-yr Rental
Building Relationships to Get Results
Teamwork and Results Without Authority
Leadership Without Authority
Gaining Allies, Creating Change
Communication Tools for Getting Results
Getting Results from the Boss

Series - Effective Use of Feedback for Business

The performance of your business depends upon the performance of each team and each individual staff member. Feedback is an essential part of the performance management process. Only by giving your staff members effective feedback will you be able to encourage significant improvements in their performance. There are four main aspects to effective feedback in business, and each is dealt with in this series. As a manager, a guardian of your business's performance, you must be able to give effective feedback to your direct reports. But, for feedback to be used effectively the recipient must understand what is being said, must be able to accept it objectively, and be able to act. The second course, then, is concerned with the skills needed to receive feedback. However, managers are not the only source of useful feedback. You can provide effective feedback to your colleagues, or you may want to be able to give feedback to your boss. These aspects are covered in the third course of the series. Finally, teams also need feedback on their performance, and there are times when a team needs to give feedback to the team leader. While the same principles apply, there are some specific approaches which can be used with teams, and these are covered in the fourth course. Whatever your role in the business, you will be able to hone your feedback skills with one or more of the courses in this series.

Target Audience
All those who work in teams, but particularly team leaders.

Content Rating

NASBA CPE credits:
PMI/PDU Credits:

Courses - 1-yr Rental
Giving Feedback: A Manager's Guide
Coping With Criticism and Feedback
Giving Feedback to Colleagues
Team Feedback: A Guide

Series - International Business Skills - Culture, Customs and Norms

According to Ruth Stanat, author of Global Bold, more than 40 percent of companies that try to go international fail. The glaring reason for failure in the global market is cultural differences, misunderstandings, and insensitivity's. This series begins with an overview of cultural divides. The first course, Managing Cultural Divides, focuses on the need for cultural learning, trends in the global economy, challenges in global communication and negotiation, and combining the best of both worlds to create synergy. The second course in the series, Around the World in Eighty Cultures, focuses on the big cultural picture. You'll examine a variety of cultures in a broad sweep. You'll better understand what to expect from different peoples of the world, what they expect from you, and how to interact for effective interchanges. The series also provides you with four courses that divide the world into regions. These courses discuss cultural similarities along with targeting specific countries in the world market place.

Target Audience
International Business travelers, Managers, Directors, Project Managers, Project Team Managers, and other personnel conducting business with other cultures. Note: This series is targeted for U.S.-based business people who do business with people from other parts of the world.

Content Rating

Courses - 1-yr Rental
Managing Cultural Divides
Around the World in 80 Cultures
America's Neighbors: Beyond US Borders
Over There: Conducting Business with Europeans
Crossing the Dateline: Japan, China, India
A Rich Tapestry of Cultural Contrasts

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